We pretty do the same thing every 4th of July. We watch the parade at Nick's station then go to the park and eat lunch and for the fireworks we have front row seats at Jakes parents house and eat dinner there. This year for the parade Jake talked Trey into getting a hose from the station and trying to get the firefighters wet when they came by to spray the kids. Well Trey ran out there with his hose and lasted about 2 seconds before dropping his hose and running only for another little kid to pick it up and try, I think that the firefighters won that battle their hoses were a little bigger. I forgot my camera for that but here are some photos from Jakes parents house.
My sister Tiffany and her two youngest come up since McKenzie went to Snowflake with my mom and Josh was at work.

Trey couldn't wait to do the fireworks that we bought.

Brady didn't like the sparkler he dropped it the minute Jake gave it to him.

Taylor wasn't as scared as Brady.

Emma couldn't get enough of them.

Here the kids are watch the fireworks that we bought.

No matter how many you get it is never enough for them they are always wanting more.