Friday, May 14, 2010


Baylee was so excited for softball this year even though she wasn't on the same team as Ella. It has been fun to watch her this year she has gotten so much better and you can actually play catch with her and not worry about the ball hitting her in the face!! Even her hitting it gotten so much better. There is hope for her after all.....Just stick to sports Please!! I can handle going to watch softball, basketball, volleyball and even track if that's what you want but please don't make me go sit through dance competitions!!!
The way she gets ready at the plate is so cute she looks a little bull legged standing there waiting for the pitch....whatever works!!

Ready in the Field!!

Here is Mckenzie..I love watching her!! No matter what her mom says she has gotten better this year too!! Keep up the good work!

Here is the bull legged stance isn't it so cute?

1 comment:

Nicki said...

Why the hate for dancing?? LOL! She seems to be a natural athlete to me. I don't think you need to worry :) She is a beautiful girl!